News and innovations

News : Mupex actuality in a few articles


Ensuring a safe environment requires significant energy and knowledges. Surrounding yourself with an expert will save you a lot of time

Tendering process management

In the field of tendering (private, public market, GATT/WTO, etc.) Mupex masters the necessary legal forms in order to avoid any inconvenience.

Competitive intelligence

Competitive intelligence is the coordinated collection, processing and dissemination of information useful to economic players, with a view to its exploitation. This is an essential point for a company and Mupex can provide you with support, advice and expertise in this area.


Mupex offers programmes of personal and corporate coaching in order to reach excellence!

communication consultant

Mupex can help you in all those areas of communication : internal, external, institutional and crisis communication, influencing techniques and lobbying.

State consultant

Certified by the DCAF in Geneva, we are able to offer our services of accompany states departments in the process of democratic reforms.
Our experience in security personnel in Switzerland and abroad also enables us to advise you on military organisation and personnel security.
Finally, Mupex will help you to choose the right weapon system for you.

Organisation and business management

The services related to the organisation and management of the company are varied. Mupex advises on risk analysis, change management, situation management, strategic plans, business plans and IT governance.

Marketing consultant

Mupex is able to assist you in all areas of marketing (business plan, corporate image, market analysis and new media) by understanding your internal and external environment and implanting the necessary framework (principle, process, training, implementation, actions, pace, etc.) to successfully strengthen your competitive advantage.

Crisis management

Crisis management is the set of organisational methods, techniques and resources that enable an organisation to prepare for and deal with the occurrence of a crisis, and then to learn from the events in order to improve procedures and structures in a forward-looking manner.

Interim management

You currently have no director or manager! You are in a transition period between the departure of the old director and the arrival of the future one! You need a full- or part-time transitional replacement. Mupex is able to meet this challenge and has all the necessary skills to ensure the transition during this sensitive time, whatever your field of activities.


innovations top

Mupex is constantly at the heart of innovation through its privileged contacts with Higher Education Institutions: HES, UNI and EPF as well as the economic environment. With a constant technological watch as well as its relations with start-ups creation and their support, Mupex has an informed strategical vision of the future.